ThinkingFuel is Community Action Norfolk's community oil buying scheme. We help thousands of our members order fuel collectively - saving time and money. It's free to register to be part of the scheme and bulk ordering takes place on two set days each month to maximise savings. You can order oil on any working day of the month and still get a competitive price – but those two important days give the best price. 

Why join ThinkingFuel?

  • Our large membership allows our expert buyers to negotiate the best possible discounts, making sure you get the best price
  • We do the ringing round for you, saving you time and stress
  • Everyone pays the same low price, regardless of how much you order
  • Regular payment options are available to help spread the cost
  • It Free to join and there is no obligation to buy
More information can be found at
* indicates required

I understand that by submitting this form I am giving permission to Community Action Norfolk to process my details in order to administer the ThinkingFuel Scheme. Community Action Norfolk will also send me information about other services they provide. I understand that Community Action Norfolk might share my information with partners, suppliers and the local co-ordinator (contact details only).